Kissing is in Season!

Gorse (Ulex europaeus) has never been one of my favourite evergreen plants. I learned at a tender age that it's an extremely spiny shrub so can be an 'uncomfortable' screen when needing to spend a penny on a walk. Ouch!

It's also invasive and its blooms have a coconut fragrance. Odd! Moreover, its principal offence in my eyes is simply that it's flowers are yellow. Yuk! Unlike pollinating insects, I really don't like yellow, and yet, in the same way that cheery daffodils can raise a smile, so too did this gorse against a vivid blue sky in the Goldings estate this morning. Thus it has partially redeemed itself.

According to the RSPB it is also a refuge and nesting site for several birds.

I have also read this afternoon that 'when gorse is in bloom, kissing is in season. Gorse is never really out of flower, so there will always be time for kissing!' ( That made me laugh too.

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