
Any unfortunate person missing a right hand and a right leg might appreciate finding this discarded glove and a choice of either of my two pristine left footed Wellington boots, never worn for reasons that are easily attributable to my having both a left foot and a right one.

It was that sort of February day again- raw and cold with a smirr of rain in the air. Because I am addicted to the little pots of M&S raspberry mousse, which at 90 calories a pop are the new luxury item in my day's denial of scones and chocolate, His Lordship and I threaded our way into town through the throng of parents and children heading for the museum.

I say we threaded, but we did it somewhat separately with HL keeping up a uniform route march while I, trying to find a blip, jigged at varying distances behind him.

Over a coffee later he told me I had been annoying him by stopping from time time to take photos; I told him we must have looked rather like some of the elderly Asian couples we see taking a stroll, with the woman a designated few paces behind her husband.
I secretly wonder if HL thinks that is the correct order of things.

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