A Has Been Tulip

You didn't imagine you were going to get off scot free from seeing my annual dying tulip blip, did you? This bloom is not so much dying as very dead with a touch of rigor mortis setting in. It has had a very short shelf life and has now been consigned to the bucket.

The Scottish patient still lies a-bed, but I detect a little more life in his frame with the sneezing and coughing slightly less frequent.
At one point yesterday he imagined he might have Ebola- such fanciful thinking said Nurse Florence. Get a grip, she said,it's just a man cold.

I fear he has regressed to childhood and remembers that when he was ill in bed, his mother bought him comics and sweets to comfort him. Unfortunately he sees me as her substitute and expects the same.

I am taking off my nurse's uniform this afternoon and fleeing the germs for a bout of socialising.

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