Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

A Community Space

I left the fisheye on the camera and took a quick image of the Council Offices reception first thing.  

Things have changed a lot in the almost 28 years I have worked for the Council.  Visits were rare in the early days but now we have a vibrant centre for the community, compete with coffee bar and cafe.  Wednesday is particularly popular with special deals for pensioners.

We have also rented out large chunks of the office space to other users, including a library, for the Police  and now an NHS Clinic.  In the early 1990s a whole new wing of offices on three floors was constructed, principally to house the additional staff to cope the the Community (Poll!) Tax.  Now that whole wing is used by these other users, rather than council staff and they also take up space in the original (40 year old) office block.

It just goes to show how the local authority workforce has contracted over recent years.

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