Up north

A long day. Up at 6.30. On the road north at 9.

At the church in Nairn for 12.45 (a coffee stop in Aviemore). Then the local cemetery. Finally, Nairn Golf Club for some bevvy refreshments. My late aunt was a stalwart of the church and the golf club. Now she's in the... oh well.

95 is a good innings, especially if you're healthy and active for 93 out of 95.

Over to our B&B after the funeral stuff - just over the Kessock Bridge from Inverness. Into the city for early dinner at the Mustard Seed. 

The church service was perked up by my cousin James giving a very humorous eulogy. It was great to catch up with 5 cousins during the various send off events.

One cousin I hadn't seen for 30 years. I dated her husband's cousin for a while. Met at their wedding. It only stopped when I went away to work in Toulouse.   

Happy with the last minute B&B booking. Our "private" living room got Blipped.

Old Drynie House

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