Crêpe de la Crêpe

Another home day for Asha - poor thing is suffering! Having said that she's definitely perkier than yesterday, but after a rough night, and sleeping waaay past the alarm (her, not me), plus it being swimming day today, we decided to give her another day of R&R.
We made delicious crêpes for lunch - wholemeal flour, with cheese, ham, egg and pineapple - amazing! Though the pineapple was added post photo!
An afternoon with Abby, talking about the stuff of life and asking each other the questions that make you squirm but ultimately cause you to grow. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A perkier Asha Basha Boo.
2) Stimulating conversation with Abby.
3) Discovering we'd got all the ingredients in to make crêpes!

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