A Dragon Dinner

I had another long day to kill in Flint. (5 hours.) After stops at Sams Club, Aldis (grocery store), and Salvation Army...I went for a walk in the preserve I've been going to.

The wildflowers seem to change on a weekly basis...as do the dragonflies. Early in the season...swallows were everywhere, and they were very aggressive when you came into their neighborhood. Not so anymore. I stood for 75 minutes in front of this box. It was the only house that I saw getting any action.

I need a swallow spotter. When I was in Florida at an eagles nest...a photographer would yell..."BIRD ON THE MOVE! BIRD ON THE MOVE!" I thought it would be easier to just yell "EAGLE", but that's just me.

A spotter could yell "INCOMING! INCOMING!!" My arms got tired holding up the camera, so I would have to lower it. Just when I did...Mom or Dad would cruise in with lunch. The parents don't deliver the morsels into the house anymore. They just stick the bounty into the waiting mouths of the babies. Kind of like a dragon drive-by delivery. So quick!

I spotted another hummer moth today. Numerous pictures without much success. They hum right by...never lighting. I put a shot on my flickr page...along with a couple of butterflies.

5 hours go by in a hurry with a nice wooded walk, and a few willing subjects. If only the moth and the swallows would SLOW DOWN! RELAX...JUST RELAX!!! I'm also trying to think of some kind of camo shelter so I could get closer without bothering them.

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