Odd man out

An easy mistake when you're a bulb...
Got mixed up with the wrong crowd...
Bet he feels a bit daff now.

Yes, another busy day. Whizzed down to the Apple store where those nice people swapped out my twenty eight month old iPhone for a new one, free of charge, because the Siri function was busted beyond repair - I gather it's the top microphone that had failed. Not a bad warranty really.

And this afternoon I'll be whizzing (again) up to the west midlands for the Annual General Meeting of The Druid Network! Yes, even Druids have AGMs; required my law because of our constitution under which we have charitable status.

I'm hopeful that when I get home, Janet will have decided where we're going on holiday. I feel about ready for a holiday. It's a life, this retirement lark...

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