Lichfield Festival 3

This fountain is in the gardens of the Swinfen Hall Hotel, just outside Lichfield, one of the venues for the Festival. This afternoon they were hosting a Chamber concert, and I went along in hope. In previous years, these have been attended by a relatively small but interested audience, but for 2012 they combined the concert with either lunch of afternoon tea. Result : no room at the inn.

I asked a charming young man if I might wander round the gardens and take photographs so my afternoon wasn't wasted and he was happy with this.

Last night I went to a really remarkable concert. It was in the Cathedral itself and the folk/rock band Bellowhead were appearing, with the usual full amplification and smoke machine. Dancing in the aisles (literally) and the full secular excitement of this particular group.

I loved it, but at times wondered about what the ancient and sacred stones might have thought. A friend answered me quite simply : "If Oliver Cromwell could race his horses down the nave, I'm quite sure there's no problem with Bellowhead". True.

rich red rose

Rose garden

Thank you to everyone for asking how I am, after Tuesday's blip. I'm fine - obviously still very sad and puzzled about how cruel life can be - but fine. Thank you for your concern. xx

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