February 22nd - 5 years on . . . . .

. . . . . and this is what the aspect towards my 'front door' looks like, today. There isn't a front door. The house is boarded up with plywood. It's one of the weirdest images I've even posted on Blip and I do hope you can make sense of it. 
Thanks to the biggest destructive quake of 5 years ago many of us are still living in limbo, waiting waiting waiting. The scaffolding around my house has been extended in the last week, the contractor has put up signs saying Keep Out, and all that jazz. Plus there's even a Portaloo been delivered onsite. So, something's happening. I've been told it should be finished by June. Don't hold your breath!

I'm so thankful for the caravan and for being able to live away from all the constant quake repairs that are going on in Christchurch. I'm so grateful for it. It's been a very poignant day for us all today.

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