As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Be Careful While Water Skiing

After breakfast, our clan trekked to the lake to participate in Woodloch's Euro Games. Our team, 'the Baguettes', did an ok job but we had a lot of fun. I ran into Mr. Hunter and family and Meg's cousin, Lou, this morning. At around 1:00, I went to the dock to try water skiing. I waited and waited, and when it was my turn I hopped into the water. I got out of the water for a few seconds, and then I fell forward. As I came out of the water, I turned around and one of the skis hit me in the face. It didn't really hurt, but the woman in the water helping people learning how to ski was freaking out because it was bleeding. I was up for another try but I had to go ashore. They called the medical person and they cleaned it out. It stopped bleeding but I had to go to the urgent care unit to get stitches. After waiting for two hours, I got two stitches and headed back to Woodloch. Tonight was dress-up night so we got all dolled up and had a nice meal. We went to see the show after dinner and it was great.

My nose hurts more than my eyebrow.

Word of the Day: Hypethral - (Of a classical building) wholly or partly open to the sky

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