As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

A Day At The Races

I couldn't participate in the pool games due to my stitches and I'm usually the driving force behind my family doing any of those events, so we all went rock climbing instead. I flew up and down the wall and then shot a few rounds off at the rifle range. I ran into Danielle (the girl that was helping me water ski) and she was relieved to see that I was alright. After that we sat by the lake a little and I lost to my mom in ping pong a bunch of times. At 4:00, I went to the nightclub with my dad and brother to play Antiques Roadshow. We met another family and teamed up with them, and even though we came in last place, we still had a lot of fun. After another delicious dinner, we went to the nightclub for horse racing. I won the first race but not the last two. I love horse racing.

Word of the Day: Paronymous - Containing the same root or stem, as the words wise and wisdom

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