27 Years & 74 Days x 2

Today, I celebrated the fact that I have lived exactly half my life in The Neth.  It was important for me to mark this event, so we had dinner at the Mirabelle with bro-in-law J and his wife M.  Hubby even skipped his bridge evening for it.  I shot this sunset on our way there.  For appetizers, I had my 6 oysters ... yummm!

Throughout the evening, though, we talked mostly about what might happen on Tuesday next week, when the two brothers have to appear in court and face the rest of the kin they sued.  A tense moment for hubby but we all agreed that nothing could go wrong.  No reason for him to feel threatened.  I would have liked to be there but I have to go to work.  Sis-in-law M would also have liked to be there but is scheduled to be prepped in the afternoon for an abdominal operation on Wednesday morning.  At least, that is what they'd been told, but no confirmation yet.  Suspenseful times for the three of them.

In the meantime, hubby's allowance has been cut effective this month.  Close to a third of our income has just evaporated.  That means suspenseful times for me.  If we win the court case, though ... and that is where I do not want to fantasize.  The odds are in our favour but one never knows till the judge has figuratively banged down his gavel.  I can think of a group of heads he can bang them on, but we are supposed to be civilized even after having been made to swallow quite a number of things in the past.  I do hope hubby wins this fight.  He never asked for it but he finally just had to put his foot down.

And now, I have a head cold.  Isn't it fortunate I'm on my spring break?

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