
By Maisiebeth

Feeling Yuck

Was scheduled a long day out today but the colds that the family have had recently finally caught up with me and I am feeling very sorry for myself. Big internal discussion going on this morning about whether to go out at all, 
..but the sun was shining, 
..but I hardly slept last night, 
..the fresh air will do me good, 
..but I feel awful to keep the miles up
..I ache
..If I stay in I will just mope and besides I've already blipped everything worth blipping in the house!

So compromise reached, I went out but not far. Did a few canal bridges from Ellesmere but came home when the tissues ran out. Besides the last 2 miles of the 3.5 I did were no fun, if the ground weren't so muddy, I may have crawled. I ache, sympathy please!

Dramatic and Dangerous Places to Photograph for the Terminally Unhealthy and Navigationally Challenged

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