All to Myself...

Dear Diary,

The recent rain and then freezing temperatures have given some of the ponds and lakes hereabouts a mirror like surface...perfect for skating.  I watched this young man skate for quite awhile.  He had the whole pond to himself and he seemed completely absorbed in the experience of flying across the ice.  What a wonderful feeling it must have been for him; such a sense of freedom.

I was reading the other day about how the brains of introverts differ from extroverts. I am an introvert of the first degree.  Even when I was in the classroom I preferred the one-on-one interaction with students than "lecturing" in front of the class, something I rarely did.  I preferred sitting with them and engaging them in a conversation.  It was so interesting to read about why we introverts are the way we are. (Anyone who is interested in such things can read the article here.Introverts simply require less "stimulation" to trigger the pleasure response in their brains and we are easily over stimulated in crowds.

The way we interact with the world is very specific to each of us.  I may not be able to fly across the ice on skates anymore but I got such a vicarious thrill watching this young man.  Solitude is like air to me.  I love being with friends,  a few at a time is best, but I covet my alone time.  The funny thing is, I never feel lonely just an incredible sense of peace.  Now I know that it is all in my head!

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