MonoMOnday Challenge - 110 Leap

It's a Leap Year!  So a fitting theme for today's challenge.

Last leap year, I came home with a new car while the wife was away for work.  Who knows what will happen this year?  Mrs. C left this morning as usual this time of year... last year I gave you a similar image as I found this big Teddy Bear useful to settle down both kids in the same room.  Still works like a charm.

Mr. JC was back to nursery today after staying home for a week due to a cruddy cold.  Today he was so excited to go back and still wound up until the moment he went to bed tonight jumping all around the house.

So- if you will imagine with me... Mr. JC leaping over rainbows and jumping over the clouds in his dreams, then you will have made a very important journey with him.  God bless the young ones and pray for their future.  Let us do all we can to insure it lives up to their dreams.

Thanks to MrsLinda for hosting MonoMonday.

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