My first Wood Anemone

I am trying very hard to put smaller portions on my plate even though I'm not a big eater, but I could do to lose about four pounds, so what does JJ go and do?  He made a humongous chocolate cake yesterday with lots of double cream, vanilla extract, bicarbonate of soda and other ingredients, plus loads of chocolate of course.  Then he used 200 grams of Bourneville to coat it.  See extra.

Squirrels don't eat daffodil bulbs, but they are partial to tulips, anemones, grape hyacinths, crocuses, well virtually all bulbs, so I'm fighting a losing battle trying to grow them.  This is a little wood anemone which has kindly popped it's head out for me today and which I will have to cover up tonight to keep it safe.

My contribution to Tiny Tuesday kindly hosted by Lizellen.

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