Mono Monday - Leap

How good is that?  It's a leap year, which means I have an extra day before I reach my 70th in August.

I have been very silly today, not in a good way.  I walked to the Osteopath's this morning, which meant I had to walk back feeling quite wobbly and sore, then to cap it all I got the garden fork out and turned a bit of earth over which the squirrels have flattened.  I will regret it and such a waste of the money I forked (sorry) out.

Buttons, madam that she is, wasn't satisfied with the food I'd put on the patio for the birds and was clambering all over the windowsill trying to work out how to get inside to raid the nut jar.  Naturally she failed.  Phew!

So Buttons is my contribution to Mono Monday's challenge - Leap, kindly hosted by Mrs Linda.

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