Dissecting a Home Run

It was opening day here for the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team, and they were playing my Detroit Tigers. My brother Jim and I were in the top row (so you could choose to stand if you want) in section 15.

The boys of Summer are back.

Our team started off early with 4 runs in the first inning with some timely hitting. WOO-HOO!

The game had a little sideshow going, too. The University of Michigan's football team was there, and their coach Jim Harbaugh was in uniform (of the Tigers), and even coached first base for the first 3 innings. Kind of cool.

How about the home run by our new guy named Gerald Saltalamacchia? (How would you like to be the person who has to stitch that name on his jersey?)

1. Bat about to connect with the ball. Arms outstretched, bat over the plate, eye on the ball, wrists ready to turn.

2. The follow through of the mighty swing.

3. The home run trot. Not too fast (because you want to enjoy the moment), but not too slow (because you don't want to show up the pitcher and the other team.)

4. The high five from the third base coach.

A thing of beauty when it works...as the ball sails out of the park.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157665317539896 A few other shots are on my Flickr page. The football coach, and some more baseball pictures.

The only bird photo I took today was of the Pittsburgh mascot...a large parrot. But, I refuse to put up his picture, because he doesn't have a name. HE DOESN'T HAVE A NAME! He is just the Pittsburgh parrot.

Who does that? Certainly not my Detroit Tigers. Our giant tiger is named Paws. A proper name.

Pauly? Polly? Peter? Pamela? Potifer? Patty? NAME THE PARROT SOMETHING!

P.S. After I settled down...I changed my mind, and put the nameless parrot on my Flickr page.

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