Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Rest in Peace, Patty 1-6-56 ~ 3-3-16

It is a very sad day today.  My dear cousin Patty died this morning.  We grew up together, almost as sisters, and have remained very close throughout our lives.  We have lived about 1000 miles apart for almost 40 years but we talked and visited frequently, staying very much involved in each other's lives.  She has been very sick for almost a year and I knew this day was coming soon.  This morning I woke up thinking about her and I couldn't get her off my mind.  When her daughter called with the sad news, I really felt she had reached out to me somehow through our lifelong bond.

Sadly, I couldn't find many pictures of her and the ones I did find were poor quality.  I scanned them and did what I could to restore them to make this collage.  The top right was a holiday table when I was 5 and she was 3.  The next we were middle school age on a road trip with my parents.  In the third we were mid 20s on one of her visits to Colorado.  The next shows us in our early 30s with her daughter and in the last small one she was 50 and had just had eye surgery.  The large picture was actually digital so it is a little more clear.  This was taken on her last visit to Colorado 8 years ago.  It helped to have this project but now that it's finished I don't know what I'll do with myself between the tears.

Thank you for all your comments and stars yesterday.  I just don't have the heart for Blip today. 

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