
By DramaQueen

Work? S'no way!

So this happened....the white stuff fell and as usual, everything ground to a halt!

We'd hatched a plan at work yesterday in case of heavy snowfall, (better to be prepared) so when I got a text at 7am telling me to stay home, I wasn't surprised.

I could have walked it there today (it's only just over a mile away), but the Boss and his assistant both live further afield, so if they couldn't get in it was pointless.
Not only that, patients don't want to venture out either so there was really no point me going.

Our Practice Manager lives just around the corner from work, so she got the short straw of cancelling appointments!

Mr A should have been in work early, but again this seemed foolish to try and get out while the roads were bad, so he waited until 10.30 before setting off and arrived to work unscathed.

It's starting to thaw again now, but I'm not risking going out; I've no reason to go anywhere so why try?

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