The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Gin and tonic: two of my five-a-day

One for the juniper berries in the gin, and another for the lemon slices. Just add broccoli (not to the drink itself) and it's a healthy option.

Thank God it's Friday! A few extra jobs this week plus a course. But it's not over yet, I might get a market stall tomorrow, and I am working in the afternoon. A visitor on Sunday, so we'll go out for lunch. Hurrah! And if there's no market stall tomorrow, I am going to a jumble sale to get some more jeans for work.

Great lines from a child today:

' I'm coming home from work. It's dark now. I got a ton of money from my work. I'm good at my work. I was wearing sunglasses at work, and everyone was wearing sunglasses and it was meat heaven!'

Me: 'why was it meat heaven?'

Child: 'because I actually work in a restaurant'

Me: ' and why was everyone wearing sunglasses?'

Child: 'because the sun was shining in my restaurant, and making reflections'.

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