Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

O is for Organisation

I have been wanting to blip some poppies for a while, since seeing so many different images of them on blipfoto!

In a roundabout way, today I took my camera to work and left it in the car, then on the way home I went somewhere I'd seen poppies by the side of the road. I parked up and walked back to take a picture of them. They were not very good and I was disappointed, but very hungry for lunch so I set off home! Co-incidentally as I pulled away I spotted a much better group of poppies on the other side of the road~typical!!

Anyway, I only had 3 pictures and 2 of them were better than the other. I had a go at using inverted colours and then couldn't decide which way I wanted to use them, so I've just used the ordinary photograph.

I am not feeling very organised, but the paperwork I've been looking for all week still hasn't turned up. I've bought some new folders and decided I will file everything that isn't filed away over the weekend. If I don't come across the P60 or final payslip for last year, then I assume that the tax office must have never returned them to me last year :( I can't think of anywhere else to look now!!

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