Some thoughts on a blipday.

As this is my 2000th blip I thought it would be the right thing to mark something else - or rather two things.

The first is that Cathleen has  put up with my blipping for all that time not least me disappearing into my study  late at night or having just come home from Edinburgh or a long constituency day with the words “I just need to post my blip…”.     Thanks - though I can’t promise to stop doing it as it has become something of an addiction.

Secondly quite a few of the blips have come from around my house because despite what it feels like I am here from time to time.  So Feorlean , the title of the journal too, needed a mention. 

Another thought occurred to me today  too  though it was actually about a future blip.

I haven’t yet done 2000 consecutive blips because I did about a hundred or so before  31st December 2010 which was when I got (tentatively at that stage) into the daily routine .   My 2000th consecutive blip will therefore not  be posted until  the end of June this year, I think. 

But on the  23rd of March I will have recorded, with a picture and a few words,  every single day of a full five year Parliamentary term.  That must be unique but more than that , if I win again on the 5th of May, i will need to decide whether to go on and record another one.  

Anyway thanks to everyone who has commented, who has blipped themselves and let me comment, who has given me ideas, who has encouraged or even sometimes criticised.   I have made some good friends through blipping and my photography (I hope ) has got a fair bit better through seeing what others do and with practice.    

Final thanks to Joe and Graham - they made it possible and the community now stands ready to take it forward again.  I hope I can contribute something to that too. 

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