Cherhill (Monday 7th March 2016)

I went out this afternoon specifically looking for a blip. This never works; when will I learn? Still, it was a sunny afternoon and I enjoyed the fresh air and exercise. I parked on a track just off Marsh Lane in Cherhill and followed by-ways and bridleways beside Upper Farm. This shot shows the Cherhill White Horse and the Lansdowne Monument, local landmarks both blipped before.

From this spot I also saw a magpie pacing up and down on a wooden pole inside a metal cage, obviously distressed. I went up to see if I could assist but there was a sign on the trap to say that it was illegal to tamper with it and it was there to protect endangered animals. The cage had some water and some pieces of bread inside, but the lid was padlocked shut so there was nothing I could do and had to leave it there. It seemed pointlessly cruel.

The Extra (added later) shows the by-way on the walk back.

7.3.2016 (1941 hr)

Blip #1776 (#2026 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #002
Day #2174
LOTD #1010 (#1134 including archived blips)

Bleeding Obvious Wiltshire series
Landscape series

Taken with Nikon Coolpix P900

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Primal Scream with Sky Ferreira - Where The Light Gets In (2016)

One year ago:
Curzon Park

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