what we did today...

By SarnieV

Another glorious run!

A 4.5 mile run in the snowy hills and sunshine - absolutely fantastic! A pal chummed me - another fast runner/mountain biker who gave me a good pace and a PB for that run. Great to have a good chat - sort some stuff out about our boys who had been having friendship problems and a have great general blether catch up.
Spent the rest of the time sorting images for potential fabric printing, it's trickier than it looks - matching edges and repeats!
C had chatterbooks and band on so hardly saw him, and D had a pal to play for a while.
I'd finished 'Coffin Road' Peter May for book group. Book group was a lovely chat - a bit about the book but somehow the chat went from beaches in the western isles to purple octopuses living in holes and rip tides on bonsai beach!

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