knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Space expo

We ventured east to visit space expo. It wasn't until we got there that we realised it was part of the European space agency complex. Rob and I love space stuff and we're training thom up as well. It's a great place to go as they've got actual astronaut outfits, info about the work that ESA do, a mock up of part of the international space station, and lots of satellite images to keep a meteorology geek of a girl happy. Thom got to try on an astronaut suit which kept him happy. And rob loved it too.
The blip is of one of the capsules that had returned to earth, think its a soviet one and think it was real.
Afterwards we headed to the coast to find more shells and accidentally ended up in a weird Vegas by the sea also known as Scheviningen. We ran away back to the much quieter and lovelier east of the country.

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