A different route to Hot-Bed Studio, Manchester

I had a feeling that we could probably access the canal area earlier than we normally do, so as I was on my own I took a different route to Hot-Bed studio yesterday.  I love finding new areas and this one looks very interesting.  I just need to set aside a bit more time to explore properly (and the light was not great yesterday).

A day of frustrating screen printing backgrounds when I couldn't seem to stop getting a `bleed' under the masking tape on the bottom edge.  I had a few helpful suggestions as to what might be going wrong, but in the end I guess I might have to start again - a pity because I tried the slightly more expensive paper yesterday.  I was working on the portrait again as I wanted to try and achieve a more satisfying background.  I guess I won't know how successful that will have been until I print the black layer - next week.  Back to the drawing board - so to speak.

I missed taking a photo on Monday - bought some frames at The Range in Barnsley and began to frame up some of the smaller prints - forgot to take my camera out of my bag!

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