Getting Crafty!!

Strong winds and heavy rain gave me a very good excuse to take things easy again today! But unlike yesterday, I did manage to be productive; got out the needle and thread and had a crafty day!!

A while back I made the mistake of shrinking one of my favourite wool jumpers in the washing machine, turning it into felt! I couldn’t bring myself to throw the jumper out (even though it would now only fit a toddler!) so instead I turned it into a travel case for my ipad!! It has been much admired and I now have a short list of commissions lined up. Luckily I’m very good at accidentally shrinking/felting wool jumpers so there’s no shortage of materials! My latest creation is for my Dad’s birthday; can you guess which one it is?!

So not a very exciting photo today, but a handy tip for anyone out there who has a tendency to shrink/felt jumpers. And I know there’s at least one of you out there, mentioning no names!! ;)

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