
By Woolley1976

Catch up

Well it has been a while, well where should I start been on lots of long walks with mum and dad you name it we been there think they just try to tire me out had a trip to the vet lady to have that op that makes my dads eyes water why he moans I don't know I had to go through it lol the op went well but had a bucket on my head for three weeks so I banged into everything, but that gone now, mum and dad take me up the park and as long as the cricket not playing I get to be let off my lead running after my ball dad been working long hours so get to spend lots of time with mum we play but I get a little over excited And either end up scratching or biting her arms I know it wrong and hate to think I hurt her but really am just playing(sorry mummy love you really) mum and dad take me to the market so many people so much to see so many smells so much to learn that really makes me sleepy I going on my holidays soon sure that will be fun but will miss mummy and daddy as the first time I not going to be without them for 2weeks wonder what tomorrow will bring

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