
By Woolley1976

I been to watch the Morris dancers

Well that was a first mum & dad took me to the local pub they all love me up there the sun was shining and there were lots of strange men in bells and ribbons and they were dancing with big sticks and hanker chiefs I could have had so much fun with those lol, must say I do love these sunny days I get to go on long walks watch the local cricket team play up the park the play ball with dad don't know if it's the heat or the running or just my old age a big 9 months now lol but I'm sleeping better now going to be strange as I going on my holiday for a couple of weeks going to be so strange and sure I will miss mum and dad well as dad writing this mum keeping me busy with my bone and chew oops I just fell out my bed must be getting sleepy! Night all x

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