Abstract Thursday - Apple Skin Initial

I was peeling an apple today and managed to get the skin off in one piece.

It reminded me of a saying I heard in childhood, that if you do this, and then use your right hand to throw the skin over your left shoulder, it'll land in the shape of the initial of the girl you're going to marry. (I checked on Google and found that I hadn't made this up - see here.)

Well, my wife is called Sheila - so it must be right, because it always used to fall in an "S" shape as it did today!!  ;-)

(Confession: I'm right-handed, so I did have to flip the photo horizontally to get a proper "S" shape.)

I do hope you think this qualifies for Abstract Thursday, which is looked after so well by youoregon1. If not...well I'm posting  today anyway!

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