Tarawera Times

By Megl

The grandies

Firstly just have to thank you all for all those hearts and stars for my 2nd Blipday yesterday and the continued hearts for the "ballerina" the day before...that has seen them both on the popular page next to each other. I am just astounded, and so appreciate all the "e" friends I have made on Blip. I will get back to replying, but away with the family at the moment and not much spare time (sounds familiar!!)

A trip into Auckland today then back to spend the afternoon and evening with the family in Pukekohe. Thought I would take some photos of the two youngest Grandies, and Aidan decided he needed to have Taco, his hen in the picture as well.

Back to Waiuku tonight,  bit of a taxi service, picking up Keely and her friend from a party, the rest of the family are still out and about. It is a busy life in this household.

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