Skip's Blips

By Skip

Please drive safely!

Bev, a longtime friend, and I took a 13 hour road trip yesterday to visit another friend. A steady rain fell for the entire trip, so, although we were very glad to see our friend and spend some time with her, Bev and I were both relieved when the car pulled into my driveway at 8:40 pm. 

The title for this blip comes from a sign I photographed at a rest stop. Both signs, posted by the Garden Clubs of Columbus and the Ohio Department of Transportation, are memorials. This one is a tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the USA, and the sign in the extra photo is dedicated to a highway worker who was killed in 2013 while working in a construction zone.  So today's blip is a reminder of the importance of safe, careful driving on all highways. Drinking, texting, and using cell phones do not mix well with high speed driving (or any driving for that matter).

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