Learning day by day

By EmmaF


So I had a lovely day. Too foggy to ride I went for a run straight from drop off. Back home I did what you do to keep greys at bay. Sorted kids bags for the weekend. Had my nails done, quick lunch and walk into town for a massage and some reflexology. I may have dropped off!

Picked up from school. Will nailed homework and violin. Carys washed hair, got Brownie ready and did spelling practice. Swimming and Brownie's done. Will was told if he improves his froggy legs he can move up, fingers crossed.

Dropped W at home for bed, took C to N's for sleep over. Back home W still awake grinning at me from his bed. Then I realise he has a gap! His tooth literally fell out, without him realising, when he was eating his apple. It was found on the table! None of us even realised it was wobbly. So he wrote a scrawl to the tooth fairy asking many things.

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