Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Day in London

Up early to catch the 8:02 train into London to attend a training day on "Hoarding and the law". With the introduction last year of the Care Act this has introduced self-neglect under the safeguarding umbrella and the day was about what legal framework is in place to help and support those who hoard and self-neglect. Having always put the label of "hoarding" on myself I am now changing that to being a "collector"!!
The trainer was a gentleman called Simon, a solicitor and very knowledgeable on social care legislation (he carries out a number of trainings on mental capacity act, best interest assessing and deprivation of liberty safeguards to name a few).

The venue was the "Inner Temple", so when I arrived at Waterloo I had a lovely 25 minute walk, along with the hustle and bustle of other commuters, to reach the venue. Tea and coffee served through the day but no lunch. However, a five minute walk from the venue and I was in Fleet Street, a well-known coffee shop very nearby for lunch. Having got my takeaway, back to the temple and I sat in the sunshine to eat my salad and drink my coffee, lovely. Back for the afternoon session before the return trip back home.

Lots of information to digest - handout of slides provided with many case law links and web-pages. Great day.


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