Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

flight of fancy..

Feel the wind rushing against your face....

Experience the burning in your lungs and the pounding in your ears that your heart rings out.....

Know that you are alive.....

The mad smile that stretches from one side of your face to the other, excitement, passion, desire and most of all FREEDOM.

Across the countryside, flying.... all the lust for life driving you on, on wings of desire and wilfulness. My mind awash with the scent of nature, the sights of Mother Earth at her best, basking in sunshine and full of life. Ever on with burning limbs, pushing you forward, faster, eyes watering in the wind and a brow soaked in the effort. Joy...sweet abandoned JOY.

It is in moments like this that I cannot suffer the thought of a life less active, less alive, less full.......just less!

I am not afraid of is the utter fear and loathing that I have for 'NOT LIVING' that fills me with panic. When my day comes....The grim Reaper will be drumming his fingers and tutting as I see my Life flash hell with him if it takes some time!

All it was, if you can say it like that?, was a bike ride. The first in 12 weeks...and it was fantastic!!!!!!!

Oh goodness it's great to be alive!

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