Wind on the Water

Dear Diary,

When I saw this large puddle of water being rippled by the wind I thought immediately of the opening line of a Emily Dickinson poem:  I THINK the root of Wind is Water...

Emily was such a brilliant observer of the natural world, a constant inspiration for me.  She was able to animate the landscape with her masterful words in profound ways.  Since my first trip to the Outer Hebrides of Scotland back in 2005, I've been fascinated by photographing the wind.  Of course, you can really only photograph the effect of the wind on other things but it draws me in every time.  Perhaps it is the impossibility of the idea.  Wind surrounds us and yet remains invisible.  We notice when it is there and when it isn't.  It can be gentle or wild, like our own breathing and remains completely out of our control.

The other thing that drew me to this puddle was the tiny white leaf in the lower left corner.  It shone so brightly in the late morning light, it immediately caught my eye, even before I saw the ripples.  I'm not sure why it is so important to the image for me but it is.  I'll need to think a bit about this...

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