High Weald Way

Walking another stage of the High Weald Landscape Trail from Hartfield to Groombridge. Its beautiful but rather muddy. As evidenced by this monster puddle that we had to negotiate under the railway line. 

Anyway, we decided to have a picnic and everyone brought along a course. Sausages and pork pie. Tomatoes and celery. Crisps. Apple and grapes. Chocolate florentines. Not bad, eh? One of the group was missing so we missed out on the canapés and olives.

Walking back to the cars a moral dilemma of a football result came through. Watford is my home town and I used to be a regular supporter. But more recently I have nailed my colours to Arsenal. So which team should I have wanted to win? In fact I found myself shocked that the Gunners got beaten. But also pleased for Watford. Sort of. 

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