My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


Creative Arts - day 7

(Please read this again.)

Our group times usually involve a fair bit of deep and meaningful discussion, and a fair bit of hilarity. One of the girls has been spending group times sitting in the drum case, and today a few of the other girls gave it a go. It was amusing watching them roll around the room when it was zipped up!

Spent most of today collecting information for the booklet we always put together with everyone's name, photo, and a little bit about them, and writing it all up. Once the printing was underway it wasn't too difficult but I had to keep checking on it during all the performances - but thankfully I was actually able to see the performances after having missed them last year! The songs from Rock were very good, and the Musical Theatre performance of We Will Rock You was amazing.

Jesus said:
I AM the gate

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