
By tookie

Cowboy and Cooper...

at play at the mini dog park...good one to go to in rather inclement weather! There is nothing Cowboy enjoys more than to be chased!  and he flies like the wind:)
   Still overcast and rains predicted...but the stormy winds have subsided and that is good.  Also Big R made some progress being insistent about getting a rehab facility instead of sending his Dad home for not ---he had to be insistent with the help of his brother in law and great advice from our DIL who is a social worker .  So the transfer will be done soon to a rehab facility for now....still lots to be done...but safer than having them send him home where his mom really isn't capable of doing all the care that he requires at this juncture.  He is 92 and she is 90!  Thanks for all the continued support:)

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