
By tookie

Almost Tulip Time!

With our rainy soggy weather out tulip fields may be late in blooming....but I bought some at Trader Joes just for our own joy and color and delight.  So tonight I faffed around and present this abstract look into the center of one of the purple tulips!  maybe more appropriate to have done this faffing here tomorrow....but I'm going over to my rep.'s office tomorrow to speak out for keeping our healthcare and to join with others during the day to let our congressman know we are NOT in favor of the trumped up Paul Ryan version that would basically benefit the rich and ruin the poor....once again!   
      I had quite the day in traffic here...Seattle's traffic is horrific anymore.  I had an 11am apt. in west seattle...I left in what should have been plenty of time.  But I-90 was backed up to where I got on...the rains were pouring down, I missed my exit, I ended up in Harbor Island where all the cranes for loading and unloading the containers from trains etc. goes on in the stuck behind the trains carrying the to my apt. with only 10 min. left...she extended my time an extra twenty min. which was great.  But ugh....had another apt. at 1.30 on the other side of town that I made with minutes to spare.  So a trip to the Y later was a good diversion and now to laz out with some telly time:)  Did my reading at the Y as I worked out!

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