
By don_T

It was a rainy day in March.....

...but is was mild. We have a radio pizza commercial here that is receiving too much airtime - it starts out as "it was a rainy day...." hence the title of this shot. Dark, rainy, dreary and gross this morning at the bus stop, at least there were no commute delays. It was a smooth day, which included Tuesday lunch hour yoga with my favorite instructor. My sweetie is off to an NHL hockey game tonight to see the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Tampa Bay Lightening. I, on the otherhand, have homework to do. Both tonight and Thursday night I will be attending cyclefit classes with a notepad in order to critique them for our 4 hr practical class on Sunday. Young son is booking flights home to Canada where he will be for 3 weeks (4 days in Toronto with us and the remainder in Vancouver in order to renew his passport, sell his car and visit friends), then he is off to Sydney, Australia for 4 months to play in their hockey league. He just signed the contract. A very nice way to see that part of the world and have his expenses covered!

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