The Hippy Hippy Shake

I know : two shots of Erin on the trot. In the whole of my blip life I think I have only blipped her about four times but she was up for it today. Here she is with Agata and Ruby.

It's the morning after the night before and there were no signs of sugar or pizza hangovers and none of them uttering the immortal words
" never again" so I guess it was a success all round.

Erin had her leaving presentation for Brownies at church just before this shot, it must have been very bad pollen as I felt a tear or two on my cheek ( either that or that bloody weeing squirrel was up to his usual tricks).. not emotional at all. No No No. How I will ever fare when they leave school or graduate from Uni I have no idea. It'll be like Ab Fab in the embarassing parent stakes or worse... much much worse!!

Speaking of Ab Fab I went for birthday tea with my mate Alan and met some of his other friends and there was a woman there who achieved the impossible of making me look shy and retiring. She was like Eddie from Ab Fab and had embarassed her kids this morning by wearing Union Jack hot pants to the garage, all to show off her arse to the guy that works there . She is about 48. She is value for money for sure . You see Erin and Lottie, suddenly me turning up at the school run in my runnign gear doesn't seem quiet so bad after all does it.

Right , this DVD I have won't watch itself. St Swithen's Day and I am off to watch One Day which is set on this very day. An emotional film. That'll be more squirrel wee on my cheeks again then.

When we were young


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