A Sad Reflection

Today's blip is a sad reflection, actually and metaphorically, when the only photograph taken today is one of a puddle taken on my way back from ordering my Ercol coffee table at Kinnaird Park.
His Lordship bowed to the inevitable when I said I was prepared to pay for it myself.
With a delivery date 10-12 weeks in the future, I have some grace in handing over any money. I admit the time scale took me somewhat my surprise as in my mind I had the table installed by the end of this week.

With the computer problem still ongoing and the gurus trying to sort it out from a distance, HL saw a window of opportunity to escape to Peebles and regain some composure, although from a recent phone call from him, the hills do not seem to be working their magic this time.

Hopefully the weather there might be better there. It's hard not to feel somewhat aggrieved when the north west of Scotland is basking in a March heatwave while Arthur's Seat wears is hidden under a cap of mist and I posting puddle blips.

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