Lunchtime Stroll

WFH again but a trip up town to meet Sandcastle and catch up on each other’s goss. And there’s plenty of that. Say no more! Kids – what are they like? So here’s a blip strolling back down the New Town.
Later ‘twas out to view Anomalisa at the Cameo. Though a bit of a hiccup getting there – I got on the wrong bus. An easy mistake you may think except the one I was planning to get on is always a single decker. I should really have realised because I was sitting upstairs. Is this the early onset of that thing that Ernest Saunders allegedly suffered from? I may recover in that case. Funny the things that stick with you.
Anyway the film was a bit of a disappointment – it’s amusing in parts, but slight, and the main character is manipulative and creepy, just like a middle aged guy having a crisis. If it hadn’t got a five star review I’d have enjoyed it that bit more. Now you’ve read my downbeat review, you’ll love it! Except - forget that last bit or you’ll be disappointed.

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