Nap time!

As I finished up the pecans, I had Neenah and her antics while napping to entertain me.  All pecans are now done.  I have shelled over 9 lbs of pecans for my freezer.

Spirit was chasing something but unsure what as I never saw a thing!  Mini-me just sat and watched from over at Jim's.  She wasn't going to come over as Whitey was in my yard and Whitey chases her something bad.  Peace is just totally covered in all the yellow tree pollen that is coating everything outside right now. 

This azalea bush at Jim's has been cut back severely this year because a new power lines going in and cleaning out the creek.  Still it is covered in blooms.  Jim as he heads to class.

A few daffodils and dandelions.  (mono)

Happy St. Patrick's Day.  And for my fellow Scots, the extra is for you! 

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