Loitering at Victoria Station

Early start (for me) and up in London for the monthly Project Board meeting in Petty France. The usual sort of stuff, but as meetings go, it was quite useful in that we got the portal providers to accept that larger files will need to be moved across the system now that the sites are all equipped with improved broadband access. Previously the file size limit was a meagre 10mb, yet this is far too small for a half decent video clip.

Arrived back at Victoria seconds after a train hade departed so had 30 minutes loitering around the station looking for blips. I was trying not to attract attention to myself by taking too many shots, officials may have become suspicious! It's a fascinating place, as are all railway related places, with the converging parallel lines and structural elements all around.

A good sleep on the train home, then a bit of followup work from the morning and a bit of ukulele practice before a walk and dinner.

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