
Pancakes for breakfast, and more fun for the girls.  I ran around the house doing some chores.  We brought the baby bunnies back in the house for one last snuggle for Kenna's friend pictured here.  Their eyes should be opening, but none had yet.  Lots of cuteness though.  

We headed into town to return Sugar's friend, and we spent some time chatting together, and watching her mom (a photographer) work her magic.  

We ran Snickers (the borrowed bunny) home as well.  He looked really glad to be home, and the whole family had missed him so much.  So good to see how loved one the bunnies we sold is.  Good for the soul.

Then it was grocery shopping and home to get ready for another week.  Lucky for Sugar...she doesn't have school on Monday, but I have to work.  So.....after binge watching the three last episodes of "Just Add Magic (which we LOVED),we gathered up some stuff, and delivered Sugar to another friend's house for a sleepover and playdate.  whew.....busy busy.

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