The Odd Couple

I had another early morning with Miss Scarlett, although it was a very pleasant start to the day with her singing away to herself in her room lol! So I decided that I'd go to David Lloyd for a swim seeing as I was up (I had no choice about that as she came into my room to get me up). I did 30 lengths and then relaxed in the jacuzzi - it's great that I can use my membership at any of their gyms and there's one literally a 5 minute drive from Rachel's.

The baby still hasn't arrived and I was supposed to be going home today, but said I'd stay another day to help out with Scarlett. And also in the hope that the closer we get to her due date on Monday, something might happen.

It's my Aunty Audrey's 80th birthday today and I'd been invited to her party this afternoon, but as I didn't expect to be here, I'd told them it was unlikely I could go. So this morning I phoned my cousin Kerry and said that as I was staying longer, I could go and that I'd take Scarlett too.

I'd not brought any clothes suitable for a birthday lunch, so I nipped to the shops to find a top I could wear with my jeans, and also got a bouquet of flowers for Aunty Aud. Scott gave Scarlett a bath and got her ready while I was out and we left at 1pm.

It was quite a drive as Kerry lives in High Peak, and the meal was at their friends' pub near where they live, but I'm so glad I was able to go, it's been ages since I last saw everyone. Scarlett told me on the way home that she'd had a good time - I love spending time with her, she's such a pleasure!

On the tables there were face masks for everyone which were really funny, and here you have Kerry and her husband Alastair.

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